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BE@RBRICK Ducky 1000%

Regular price ¥52,000 JPY
Color — Multi Colour
Size — F
  • Only 1 left in stock

BE@RBRICK Ducky 1000% is a collaboration between Ducky and Medicom Toy.

(C) Disney/Pixar
BE@RBRICK TM & (C) 2001-2022
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.


Maximum order qty for this item is 1 per customer.
Please note the orders with multiple quantities may be cancelled without any notice.
We are not able to accept any cancellation after ordering, or return or exchange of the item other than defective products.
Shipments may take up to a week.
Some specifications may be changed in the actual product.
The shipping fee is charged for each piece for this item.


Free Shipping is not available for this item and you will be charged the following shipping costs:
Asia: ¥35,000 / $250.00
Oceania: ¥35,000 / $250.00
North America: ¥50,000 / $360.00
Europe: ¥65,000 / $470.00
wEastern Europe: ¥65,000 / $470.00
South America: ¥65,000 / $470.00
Africa and Middle East: ¥65,000 / $470.00

Shipping & Returns


SKU: 2100008611166

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